A drive by.

A drive by. by Nor Salman
A drive by., a photo by Nor Salman on Flickr.

Went pass this scene many times as I made my way to Woodlands. The sky was blue today and I decided to drive up specifically out to seek to explore this potential. It was a beautiful sight. This was taken by the roadside thus the drain cover. I climbed over the fence, limped over the uneven ground and decided to spray more shots when the viewfinder came back "battery exhausted" Damn! I still like it though.

It was around 9.00 am when I took this thus the sun was too high up. This is evident in the shadow areas on the left.


Via Flickr:
Came upon this scene while I was driving along a usually busy road. A65 with Tokina 17mm 3.5
