I am missing her.

Past few hours.
It has been less than 24 hours but I am missing her already. Granted, I have more space on the bed, but that is no excuse for me not to miss her. The kids are holding out fine.

She took the GX1 with her, and since I cannot find the EPL2, oh there it is, I took out my antiquated KM 7D and my M42 mount SMC Takumar 55mm 1.8 and started shooting. Felt a bit better but the mood was lifted when she called from Paris. Captured those moments too. However, since i was using MF lens on an antiquated body, many are are out of focus... Anyway, these are pictures, taken indoors, of my sons, today, using the KM7D and the SMC Takumar 55mm 1.8.  All at 1.8.

As you can see, the WB seems off. My son's skin ranges from PINK to YELLOW. I used the AWB of the KM 7D. I will try to set it to custom and see how it goes.. Pictures below captures the moments when my wife called.

OOC but that expression! 

Have a good day.
