Possibly the last...

Possible the last
May 30th 2014 could be the last meet the parents session for me and wifey to meet Adam's teachers. As in the past 5 years, we would always dread that possibility that the teachers would pour their hearts and soul into how Adam was misbehaving and all that. And for the past 5 years, we have yet to listen to such outpouring. This year's session must take the cake. His English teacher, a Mrs Teh, who we have never met, started with an opening sentence that literally blew my mind. She said, "You have brought him up very well." Coming from a complete stranger, to us at least, that was astronomical. Bear in mind too, that she has been Adam for the past 6 months, so she know him, a bit.

Nevertheless, I took the opportunity to bring my xe1 and coupled it with the Fuji 14mm and with the intention of documenting the class that Adam was in, snapped some pictures.

SOOC, downloaded from LR and exported from there as well. I think the exposure compensation button was not zeroed as many of the shots seems to be over exposed.
Sings, telling us where we should go.

Su, waiting for our turn to talk to the teachers.

Science notes, on the noticeboard.

Letter boxes. Adam's is the dark blue one.

Forces, collaborative work with the teacher and students.

The view of the classroom from the last row.

The teachers, talking to another group of parents.

The walkway, leading into the canteen from the teaching blocks.

What his classroom look like from the outside.

We had no regrets sending Adam to Greendale Primary School, and we wishes his teachers, past and present all the best in their future endeavours.

