Gardens by the Bay, East.

I stumble on this part of Gardens by the bay, perhaps accidentally, when I read an instagram entry. I went there with the family but since it was dark when we reached there, we did not leave the car. Yesterday, however, I went there on my own. I went to the furtherst car park and took a short walk to the edge, where the river bank is. As my Fuji Xe1 is still in the works, I brought out my Olympus Epl2. Together with the Oly 45mm and the Samyang 7.5mm, I took some pictures.

Bee with flower

The picture "Bee with flower" was a pleasant surprised. I did not know I managed to capture the bee as the bee was busy darting about. I set my Epl2 to burst mode carried on! I love this image though. This time, I shot with the background in mind. I know the olympus 45mm has a very shallow depth of field, but I do not want the background to be totally blurred. I want the background to be a part of the picture.

Dew drops on leaves
It's not actually dew but the remnants of rain that fell not an hour ago. This illustrates how shallow the depth of field of the olympus 45mm is. I supposed many would be happy with this effect, but I do not see how the blurriness helps the picture, apart from making the solitatry foremost leaf to stand out. In this respect, the olympus lens stands out, easily.

Red bell flowers
Red bell flowers illustrate best as to what I want to achieve. The picture has both a foreground and a background which is blurred but still lends themselves nicely to the pictures. In other words, this creates depth.

I soon realise that its easier to just buy a lens with a big maximum aperture and from that produces a very nice blurred background. But to make that blurred background or foreground to work for you in producing the pictures needs a heck of a lot more work.

Here are the rest.

White by the side

As it flew by

I was trying to catch the silhouette of this plant against the sun when a plane flew by. I am very happy with this shot, because like what the filter used suggested, it has drama.

By the river's edge
By the river's edge was taken using the samyang 7.5mm fish eye lens.

More pictures are in my flickr page. Here.

