IPad 2.

Been trying to restore su's new iPad air 2.
First I have to sync the info from her ipad 2 to her Mac. Then I will sync the iPad air 2 and all should be well. Right?

Well somebody forgot to mentioned that the macbook in which you are transferring from and to should be working. I took about an hour for the iPad 2 to attempt to sync only to for it to be unable to write to the macbook HDD... Arrgh.

After a few scowls and threatening stares.. I finally told Su to restart the macbook. It took a while, along while for the macbook to boot up.

It seems that Su has a habit of not restarting her Macbook. According to her the last she did that was so long ago that she could not remember.. Haizzz...

After about 15 min, the macbook booted up comfortably and the restoration took less than ... I can't say. Its still syncing..

Su bought a new iPhone as well. I guess I would have to go through the same process... Haizz..

Sent from my Mi phone
