The re-beginning.

No love.
It occurs to me that ever since I took possession of the Fujifilm XE-1, I have not spend enough time to really get to know this camera. Thus I want to begin a new project, one I hope will help to improve my photography as well as everybody else who cares to read this.

A short history.
I bought my XE-1 used. For a measly SGD$380. Little did I know that I will have to spend a further $400 to have some kinks ironed out of it. Anyway, with all its temperaments, I am beginning to like the little fellow.

Do not misunderstand me, I have used the camera, I have brought it out for photo walks and even to a short vacation in Port Dickson, Malaysia. But I have yet to use it as it should. For example, people around praise its JPEG and it fit simulation. Being a raw shooter myself, this time, I am going to restrict shooting to only Jpegs and keep post processing to a minimum.

And the relationship will start soon.
I have paired this time around, the XE-1 with the lovely and mostly misunderstood, Fujifilm 27mm. I like the form factor it gives and hopefully, I will like using it with the XE-1 as well as the results it will give.

I know of several people who dislike this lens because of several reasons. One of which is the focal length itself and another is because of its largest aperture. I can accept their reasons, perfectly viable. I like this lens because of the actual similar reasons. I like the focal length, resulting in lesser negative space, especially in the pictures I took. The aperture, 2.8 gives substantial depth of field and which to me is a good aperture to start shooting with.

There is another group of people who equates, performance with costs. The 27mm cost about SGD$300 used. Its nearest cousin, the 23mm cost about SGD$1000 used. Although I cannot argue about the quality that the 23mm can give, I also will not argue about the superb quality the 27mm can produced.

So, here I am, with every intention to improve my photography while also trying to encourage one to use less shoot more, no matter what equipment you have.

My Xe-1 with the Fujifilm 27mm

Truck. XE-1 with the 27mm

More pictures can be found here.

Ok. Take care.
