Hair cut.

2nd day with the same set up. The MF can be a bitch. But with an event like this that will ends in mere minutes you have to rush.

Set my aperture to 4.5 iso 800 and finger on auto. Resorted to using just my right to gauge focusing and exposure I let a go a few.

I find that image review after every single shot is a tad too long. It only disappear when you half press the shutter again. So I set the camera to 3fps mode and and went machine gun. Better but not perfect because after every burst the evf will show that the images are being saved. I had to half press the shutter again for it to clear...

As the hair cut was done in about 3 min, I did not have the opportunity to shoot until the buffer ran out. I was shooting all jpegs.

Here is one of the shots. Astia film simulation.

Sent from my Mi phone
