
Its a boring subject.
But is it really?

Check out Fujifilm latest announcement on their new camera gear releases.
Fuji Gfx. Medium format for the masses?

This is awesome news. Its a new entry to medium format world of digital cameras. The sensor is huge giving more details to your shot more than ever. Even though its pitched towards the professionals who needs such resolution and details in their end products, who is to say that the man on the street (you!) would not want to get it? Perhaps your full frame sensor sized camera is now look down upon as obsolete and you want something newer, better, more expensiver... Whatever makes you happy.

Here are some videos grabbed from youtube on the GFX.
fuji gfx, mainly music

Heard that it will be out soon.

Perhaps you wanted a more retro looking camera. More retro looking that the x100 camera that you have now. Fuji has also released the x100F. Its so similar externally, but so modernly different internally, that that camera will be more retro. Get it? I won't.

Simply because I already have a camera which looks like that. I have the x100s which I bought for, if I remember correctly SGD$500. Thats my first x100 and until it breaks down, like me XE1, I am happy with it. Truth be told, there are still others who are keeping to their original 12MP X100 body and still taking pictures with it.

Here is a link of the Fuji X100F
Fuji X100F

Here is a link of a group in Flickr that have members still shooting using the various X100 bodies.
X100 group

Truth be told, progress especially in technology nowadays is astounding. You can take pictures quicker, you can select focus better and you can get plenty of resolution to help you crop. But let not technological progress be the end all of all things. You still need to go out and press the shutter. And its a never ending cycle of learning and relearning. That is what draws me to photography.

True, I love the shapes of the lenses, the bodies and the switches, but one has to know that looking and gazing at the camera would not give you pictures. Thinking of what your camera can do is not the same as learning to get them done. There I said it.

You can click anywhere.
Case in point.
My second boy. In the car.

Another truth, yes, I want the new ones. I really want the new xt2, xt20, xpro2 and whatever else that have on the shelves. Thats me, and like many others, I do suffer from GAS. If you down want to own them, please do so while being sane. Get it for the reasons that only you know to be true. Stop being in denial.

I buy cameras and lenses too. I only need 1. But last count I have about ten bodies and countless number of lenses in various mounts. My hand shivers when I peek into the classified section of the local camera club,

Here is the link.

Thats consumerism. The never ending to get whats newer, faster but not necessarily better. To spend and to buy.

I hate it, but I am stuck with it.
I just bought an XE2. Sigh.

And this was what I shot with it.
Looking up.

Have a good day.
