Project 36.

New Project.
I am starting a new project. A project I will call as project 36. This is where I will shoot 36 frames of a particular place using any camera+lens combination. I hope I can discipline myself to take exactly 36 frames but as it turned out in my maiden effort, I failed miserably. I shot a total of 45 frames no thanks to me not setting the camera to single shot mode. That plus my trigger happy finger, makes it all too easy to fire the shutter.

You can set your own rules in this activity. For me, my first rule is not to delete any image. All images should be SOOC even though they may have in camera processing done through them. Although I onlyHopefully I can review my photography by looking at my pictures as a series and not by itself on its own.

The set up
I used my EM5 and the olympus 35mm f2 lens. Technical performance aside, I find the set up adequate although sometimes I would prefer a wider field of view. Anyways, manual focussing could have been made easier. Manual focussing helps though, in limiting my shots. If they were autofocussing, I am sure I would exceed 300 frames easily, Especially when it comes to pictures of my family.

Link can be found here.

Air Holes.

Money plant leaves.

Holding his catch.

Doing it with Omak.
