Restarting Film

 Films. Re-introduction.

In my photography journey, I started shooting using films. I admit I started quite late. I started when auto focus cameras were the in thing. But as I moved along, my respect and admiration for manual focus, mechanical cameras grew. I was burning through a roll a week. Even though I was quite adept in the exposure, the various constraints of using films, I did not ever get into processing and developing my own prints.

So the other day, I brought out my wife's Minolta SRT super. It was, as expected, cranky. The cloth shutter was sticky and there was dust everywhere. Safe to say, I would not trust a frame of film with it. As Allah were to have me doing it, I reached out to my Nikon F3, which still has its MD4 attached. Not expecting much, I load up the motordrive and release the shutter! It ran! Sweet, sweet sounds. That got me excited, a familiar feeling that I have not felt before for a inanimate object!.

That, was about 2 weeks sgo. Ever since then, I had loaded up a roll of Kodak 200 film, shot the whole roll and its now is a shop waiting its turn to be process and developed.

The whole process seems familiar but yet strange. In fact for something that should allow me to derive pleasure from, can seem to be rather daunting and frustrating. 

Will continue in my next post.
