On my 3rd...

 My first.

    Being so excited in restarting this journey of using film, I have bought myself some film cameras. These manual film cameras are the cameras I lusted over when I was much younger. One of them is the F3, by Nikon.

    The F3 was given to me, by my uncle. It came with a motordrive. I think that was about 20 years ago. Apart from the occasional pressing of the shutter button, I had never run a roll of film through it. At that time I was keeping myself happy with my Dynax 600si, an autofocusing film camera. That stoppped when the wind blew the tripod it was on over and the mirror pierced the shutter blades. Bought myself a 9xi, an 8000i as I had a wedding to shoot on the weekend. But I guess, the enthusiasm died soon after that weekend.

    Digital came, and I bought the Dynax 7D on the day it was released locally. About 3 years later after my fling with the 9xi and the 8000i But the camera did not last and so enthusiasm waned as well.

    So, about 2-3 weeks ago, when I realised my F3 was working, I bought some films and stuck a roll in it. Took me about 10 days to finished the roll. In my haste to have it developed, I sent it to the nearest film shop. As it is, I still have not received anything from them. That roll was shot using the F3 with the Nikon 105mm Ai, the 35mm f2 Ai and also 50mm F2 Pre-Ai. Since the main reason was to see if everything about the camera works, any keepers would be a great bonus.

My second.

    The second roll was shot using a Minolta XD. That was paired with a 50mm 1.4 lens. I took lesser time in finishing that roll. But I have yet to send the roll in. This time, I want to mail the roll in to this guy who seemed to be using a very high end scanner. The downside, it will take at least 10 working days as well. As such, I am waiting for my 3rd roll to come out of my Nikon FM and mail it together.

My third.

    I realised certain shortcomings after shooting a couple of rolls. One of which it the lack of hardware. I bought myself a Tamron 28mm 2.5. I realised I do not have native Nikon mount lens of that focal length. I got one for $100 and I collected it today. The price pretty steep as I remembered buying a similar one for $20. Of course the former was such in a bad shape, the focus ring will not rotate as freely.

The Tamron 28mm 2.5 with Sony A7M2

    While the first and the second roll was about taking potraits of the people around me, I am attempting to fill up my third roll with pictures from the streets. That 28mm focal length will perfect, I think.

    My first 3 rolls are from Kodak Colorplus 200. Which was about $12 each.

    Until my next post.
