A pic walk at Springleaf Garden Park

Shot this while I was at Springleave Garden Park.

I think this was only my second roll with this camera.
Apart from the mis-matched battery, love the colour and rendering.

Used the fuji 200 but after checking with the light meter on my Sony a99, I set the iso to 65. But after looking at these pics I am leaving the iso to iso 40. Hopefully it does get in more light.That's about 2 stops difference. Using the lr44 cell by the way.

A roll, this time with the 50mm 1.7 is in the midst. Hopefully I get nicer or as nice results.

These pictures were taken using the shutter priority mode. The camera does not have an aperture priority mode. Not that confident in going for full manual as the camera will only show the fstop it recommends and not the actual f stop you select on the lens.

But it's quite an enjoyable experience.

Keep on shooting.

Konica Autoreflex T3, Konica 40mm 1.8

Konica Autoreflex T3, Konica 40mm 1.8

Konica Autoreflex T3, Konica 40mm 1.8

Konica Autoreflex T3, Konica 40mm 1.8
